The Extravagant
about the blog
Hi, I'm Medha, the writer and creator of The Extravagant. I created this blog on one boring, November day in 2020. I love writing, and I love fashion, so why not put the two together? I talk about everything and anything here, but the primary focus is one of my greatest passions: clothing. But I pretty much write about whatever I want here, so that often includes what i'm reading, watching, listening to, making, or traveling to.
all about me!
who are you?
name - medha (pronounced like may-the force be with you)
grade - 10th
location - i live in new jersey.
ethnicity - i'm indian, but i was born and raised in the U.S.
what are some of your hobbies?
as you can probably tell, my true love is fashion. i specifically love costume design because of how it's used to tell stories. therefore, i also love watching analyses of my favorite media on youtube. most of the time, i watch an analysis video of a show before i actually watch the show! and i also sell jewelry online based on my favorite books, movies, and shows. outside of my laptop, i love to play tennis, dance, and visit national parks.
what are your goals?
in the long term, i would love to work in a career where i can combine building cool stuff with great design to change the world for the better. when i'm older, i'd love to live in a beautiful mid-century-esque house in a wooded area with a 1966 ford mustang and a large dog.
in the next ten years, i'd like to go to a ton of concerts, book signings, and flea markets. i also want to get my writing published in a litmag and/or an actual publication. i want to keep growing this blog and my jewelry business and eventually start a magazine of my own with some friends.
contact me