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78 Things To Do In The Summer


Updated: Jun 23, 2021

Hello and welcome back to The Extravagant! Today, in celebration of the end of school, I have collected several things for all of us to do over the summer. I actually counted, and there's 78 days of summer vacation for people in my district. I'm determined to male the most out of it, so I made a list of 78 things that we can do.

  1. (Impulsively) Cut your hair. I cut mine into a shag/wolf cut and it turned out great!

  2. Make a great summer playlist

  3. Experiment with hair colors. I can't dye my hair, but I have a hair chalk kit which I'm excited to try out!

  4. Have fun with temporary tattoos

  5. Make a new recipe

  6. Go fruit picking. Where I live, there are a lot of farms where you can go strawberry picking.

  7. Explore nature around you. Everybody lives in a different climate, but I bet there's some interesting natural place in your area.

  8. Tour your own city/state. It could be more interesting than you think!

  9. Indulge in a weird aesthetic. Mine are fairycore and the 1960s aesthetic.

  10. Do some retail therapy. Go shopping!

  11. Sign up for summer camp. There are a lot of camps and courses, both online and in person.

  12. Write a book. It might seem weird, but it's a great time killer!

  13. Learn some cottagecore skills. Some on my to-do are dyeing with natural materials, making clothes, gardening, baking bread, and pressing flowers.

  14. Tape fortune cookie messages on dollar bills, then use them.

  15. Leave a notebook on a public bench with a question on the cover, like "Why did you do it?" Come back the next day and read what people wrote. If your scared if it getting stolen, then zip-tie it.

  16. Climb to the top of a tree. At the top, carve your initials. If you want a more eco friendly way, I tied a rope to the top branch of a tree.

  17. Buy a bunch of balloons and hand them out. If you want to, you can write messages on them.

  18. Fill an old bowl with water and leave it out. There are a lot of stray cats in my neighborhood, and they get thirsty too!

  19. Similarly, you can make a bird feeder. Or, fill a shallow bow with water and put stones at the bottom. It's hard for bees to get water these days.

  20. Make bracelets. Give some to your friends, and keep one for yourself. Never, ever take it off.

  21. Write letters to old friends! It's really fun, and you don't even have to give them.

  22. Learn how to do a complicated braid. I've learned how to do the French, Dutch, and fishtail, but I still have to perfect them.

  23. Take a picture of the sunrise everyday and hang it in your room. Bonus points if you do it all throughout the year, and mark the time it rose.

  24. Try to catch a bug. Butterflies, fireflies, anything really! Just make sure to let them go afterwards.

  25. Open up a dictionary and learn the first word you see. Try to use it in casual conversation.

  26. Ask an elderly person what their fondest memory is. You will get some interesting answers.

  27. Go outside. Actually, just go outside.

  28. Collect rain water in a mug and drink a huge gulp of it! Be careful though, make sure the water doesn't have anything in it.

  29. On that note, make sure to stay hydrated! If I've learned anything watching beauty videos, it's if you drink water, everything will be okay.

  30. Also, take care of your skin. All the heat and sweat isn't doing anything for it.

  31. Create a time capsule. Put notes, diary pages, or small knick-knacks in a plastic container, and bury it. Open it after a couple years!

  32. Make a letter to your past or future self. Maybe the letter will be able to reach your past self.

  33. Pet as many dogs as possible. Ask for their names and write them down!

  34. Have a water fight with your friends.

  35. Make a new friend.

  36. Stay awake from sunset to sunrise. This is a great thing to do with a friend!

  37. Watch a movie in theaters the day it comes out. I really want to watch Black Widow, so I'm super excited for when it comes out.

  38. Binge an old show. I don't really have "old shows", but I want to binge the Disney originals.

  39. Make an art gallery

  40. Start scrapbooking. You can buy a huge scrapbook or a book with pre-written prompts from Target or Walmart.

  41. Get dinner with people you don't really know. I don't mean, like, strangers, but maybe friends you aren't really close with. It's bound to be fun!

  42. Upcycle an old piece of clothing. I bet you have one piece of clothing you don't wear, but you never throw away, whether because it has sentimental value or you like the design. Whip out your scissors and needle and thread, and upcycle it.

  43. Learn a new instrument. Or, get back in touch with an old one.

  44. Get a penpal. I don't have one, but it would be really fun!

  45. Read an old book. Same thing with the old shows, just dig through your storage room to find an old book that you may or may not have read before.

  46. Collect CDs. I don't have an actual collection, but I'm going to start by gathering every one in the house, starting with Barbie and the 12 Dancing Princesses (watch it if you haven't already!).

  47. Paint rocks and leave them outside. I like writing messages on them.

  48. Leave a trail of pennies on the ground. At the end of the trail, you can put a message.

  49. If you have some things that you want to part ways with, put them in a cardboard box and leave them in a public place. Write "Make good use of it" on the outside.

  50. Watch the scariest horror movie ever, then lock yourself in a small room with no light or sound. If you can survive for one minute without screaming or peeing your pants, congrats. (I won't be trying this.)

  51. Tape googly eyes on a vehicle of somebody you know. Since none of my friends have a car, I'll try it with bikes.

  52. Make a chalk mural. This can take a lot of time, so you can invite your friends too.

  53. Make a book of your favorite poetry

  54. Try to improve your handwriting (I know it's trash). I like my handwriting, but I want to make it a little bit more comprehensible.

  55. Make prank calls with your friends. We don't have anybody to actually prank call, so we pretend to be Christmas elves to their parents.

  56. Replace fortune cookie messages with a weird or scary one. Then, pass them out to friends and family.

  57. Create a blog or Youtube channel

  58. Make your own jewelry. It's actually a lot easier than you might think, and I can make a whole post about getting started.

  59. Photobomb as many pictures as you can. Try to be very subtle though.

  60. Tape a plastic spider to something in a public place and wait for people to freak out.

  61. Walk into a store, make eye contact with the cashier, and say "It was all a lie" then slowly back away.

  62. After you have impulsively cut your hair, donate it.

  63. Make a piece of clothing from a vintage pattern. There are a lot of people on Etsy that sell vintage patterns.

  64. Search up creepy myths/scary stories from your state/town. Where I live, there isn't much, but you might find something interesting.

  65. Make a list of pranks you can pull on family/friends

  66. Create a memory box of things like cards, tickets, and other little things. Mine is a shoebox under my bed,

  67. Start your rock collection. So far, I have pumice, geode, and basalt.

  68. Reread your favorite book, maybe even series if you're really bored.

  69. Write all your favorite things on sidewalks. If murals aren't your thing, write a list of your favorite books, movies, TV shows, and places to travel with chalk.

  70. Act like a mythical creature for an entire day. This would be a fun dare.

  71. Learn how to lucid dream and/or start a dream log.

  72. Make a rubber band slingshot and practice your aim.

  73. Tie dye all your clothes (and I mean all of them).

  74. Learn how to make a flower crown with real flowers.

  75. Make a face mask.

  76. Have a self-care day

  77. Write in your diary or read old entries.

  78. When your done with something on this list, post it on your channel/account and leave a like.



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